ASP.NET Web PDF Document Viewer/Editor Control Library

Shaders allow you to define which data is input and output from each programmable stage of the graphics processing unit (GPU), and, more important, the processing that is happening within each stage Using shaders, you can create many new effects for games that weren t possible using the fixed pipeline In XNA, you use shaders to render any object to the screen To ease game development without needing to program your own shaders, XNA provides some helper classes that contain a basic set of shaders and effects For example, you can use the SpriteBatch class to draw 2D sprites, and the BasicEffect class to draw 3D models These two classes use shaders in a way that s transparent to you As their names imply, these classes support only basic rendering.

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<bean id="ref" class="com.apress.coupling.config.RefExample"> <property name="text" value="RefExample"/> </bean>

The SpriteBatch class will render your images just as they ve been saved on disk, but don t ask it to add any spotlights, reflective objects, or effects like rippling in your images The BasicEffect class can render your 3D world using only basic lighting If you want to program some fancier effects, you can create your own shaders..

By default, beans are configured as singletons; when ref is used as a property of other beans, it will always be the same RefExample instance that is provided. The scope attribute can be used to change this behavior. In a stand-alone application, this will consist of the default singleton or can be overridden to prototype, where a new bean instance will be provided wherever the definition is requested.

Shaders are small programs that execute inside the GPU and define how the data received from your XNA program is processed in the programmable stages of the rendering pipeline. Shaders are most commonly written in the High Level Shading Language (HLSL). Two shaders are generally applied: a vertex shader and a pixel shader. The rasterization stage is executed between the vertex shader and the pixel shader.

When you first launch VWD, the initial menu option will look different than what you see in Figure 2-1. The menu options that you do not see will become available once you begin a website. For now, let s just create one quickly so you can see the rest of the menu options. Navigate to File New Website under the main menu. In the New Website dialog, leave all values at their default and click OK (refer back to 1 for additional reference to this dialog). Now that you have created a website, all the other menu options and toolbars are available to experiment with. Let s start looking at them in more detail and tap out some code where the various options require it.

The shader used in the vertex processing stage, shown in Figure 9-1, is called the vertex shader. The basic task of the vertex shader is to read the original coordinates of the vertices from your XNA program, transform them to 2D screen coordinates, and present them to the next stage. Additionally, along with manipulating coordinates, you can also choose to process other attributes of each vertex, such as its color, normal, and so on.

The properties on the beans are set by using PropertyEditor implementations to convert the configuration representation of the property into the runtime value. Typically, the properties take references to other beans, primitives, wrapped primitives, or strings. Any type can be provided as a parameter to a bean property, but the support for this set of common types is particularly comprehensive. Of these common types, the commonest will be the primitives, wrappers, and strings. For all of these types, you can configure the parameter by using a straight string representation of the value to be applied. Where necessary, the appropriate PropertyEditor will be invoked to type-convert the string value into the target type. This has exactly the same effect as parsing the string value by using the parsing methods of the corresponding wrapper types. The properties are configured from XML as elements within the body of the bean element. They can be added in any order. For a string property value, of course, no type conversion is necessary, but for all of the simple property types (as shown in Listing 3-11), the parameter s representation is simplicity itself.

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